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Wersja z dnia 19:19, 7 sty 2009 autorstwa Dinth (Dyskusja | edycje) (Nowa strona: <includeonly><!-- -->{{#if:{{{2|}}}|<!-- -->{{<!-- -->{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}<!-- -->}}<!-- -->}}<!-- -->{{#if:{{{3|}}}|<!-- -->{{{delim|}}}{{<!-- -->{{{1}}}|{{{3}}}<!-- -->}}<!-- -->}}<!-- -->...)
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To repeatedly use a template for each argument in a pipe delimited list. The template handles up to 30 list items.


create comma delimited links to each hook in a list:

{{Foreach|SeeHook|delim=,|ParserBeforeStrip|ParserAfterStrip}} --> Szablon:SeeHook,Szablon:SeeHook


  • templatename - the name of a template that takes at least one parameter. Only the first parameter will be used, so the remaining parameters must be optional.
  • item1 - the first item to pass to the template, resulting in {{templatename|item1}}
  • item2,... - (optional) the second and following items to pass to the template, resulting in {{templatename|item2}}, etc.
  • delim - (optional) a delimited that should be inserted between the list items after the template templatename has been applied to each